
Permissions Manager Items for T27 Terminal Configuration

These items are configured in Permissions Manager it27.access files using the Document\Terminal\Configuration\T27 group. The corresponding user interface using settings are in the following dialog boxes:

Use this table to match Permissions Manager items with section and setting names used in these dialog boxes.

Item Dialog Box > Section > Setting Name
AlarmLevel Configure Input Settings > Options > Enable alarm when cursor is at
AlternateRS Configure Terminal Settings > Forms Mode > RS char
AlternateUS Configure Terminal Settings > Forms Mode > Alt US char
AutoFocus Configure Terminal Settings > Display > Auto focus
BlinkTime Configure Terminal Settings > Display > Character blink time
ClrInForms Configure Input Settings > Key Interpretation > Clear key interpretation
ColumnAlarm Configure Input Settings > Options > Enable alarm when cursor is at > Column
Columns Configure Terminal Settings > Display > Characters per line
CR_Interp Configure Character Settings > Character Interpretation > When CR received
CursorWrap Configure Input Settings > Cursor > Cursor at end of display
DC1_Function Configure Character Settings > Character Interpretation > When DC1 received
DC2_Function Configure Character Settings > Character Interpretation > When DC2 received
DelimiterVisible Configure Input Settings > Forms Mode > Forms delimiter visible
DestructiveBS Configure Input Settings > Options > Destructive backspace
DispCRSym Configure Input Settings > Options > Display return key symbol
DisplayETX Configure Character Settings > Character Display > Display ETX
DisplayRcvdCR Configure Character Settings > Character Display > Display CR
DisplayRcvdHT Configure Character Settings > Character Display > Display HT
DispTabSym Configure Input Settings > Options > Display tab key symbol
DrawBoxesExt Configure Input Settings > Forms Mode > Draw boxes around fields
EnableHotspots Setup Hotspot Display Settings > Hotspot Display > Enable defined hotspots
EnableMobileHome Configure Character Settings > Options > Enable mobile home
EnterKeyNavigates This setting is no longer used.
ETX_Advance Configure Character Settings > Options > ETX advance
ExtendedSOSI Configure Character Settings > Character Display SO/SI extended characters
FF_ClrsTabs Configure Character Settings > Options > FF clears tabs
FormXmitToCursor Configure Character Settings > Options > Forms transmit to cursor
HideLINCHdr Configure Terminal Settings > Forms Mode > Hide LINC Header
HostScreenInvert Configure Terminal Settings > Translate > Invert
HostScreenTable Configure Terminal Settings > Translate > Host to Screen File name
HotspotsDoubleClick Setup Hotspot Display Settings > Hotspot Activation > Double-click
HotspotsMouseButton Setup Hotspot Display Settings > Hotspot Activation > Choose the mouse button to activate hotspots
InsSpace Configure Input Settings > Options > Insert key inserts space
KbdCROnly Configure Input Settings > Cursor > Return key moves cursor to
LF_Interp Configure Character Settings > Character Interpretation > When LF received
LineAtATimeXmit Configure Character Settings > Options > Line at a time transmit
LowerCase Configure Input Settings > Options > Enable lower case
NoSkipField Configure Terminal Settings > Forms Mode > At end of field
Pages Configure Terminal Settings > Display > Number of pages
PersistentInsert Configure Input Settings > Options > Persistent insert key
RawEightBit Configure Character Settings > Options > Raw 8-bit data
RcvModeHold Configure Character Settings > Options > Receive mode hold
RowAlarm Configure Input Settings > Options > Enable alarm when cursor is at > Row
Rows Configure Terminal Settings > Display > Lines per page
ScreenHostInvert Configure Terminal Settings > Translate > Screen to Host Invert
ScreenHostTable Configure Terminal Settings > Translate > Screen to Host File name
SOH_ClrsScreen Configure Character Settings > Options > SOH clears screen
SOH_ExitsForms Configure Character Settings > Options > SOH exits forms
SpcfyKeyHex Configure Input Settings > Key Interpretation > Specify key
SpcfySendsPage Configure Input Settings > Options > Specify key sends page number
SpecialScroll Configure Input Settings > Options > Special scroll mode
TabSize Configure Tab Settings > Tab Display > Spacing
TabStops Configure Tab Settings > Tab Stops > ruler and Clear Tabs button
TabType Configure Tab Settings > Tab Display > Tab Style
TranslateSOSI Configure Character Settings > Character Display > SO/SI translation
VT_PageAdvance Configure Character Settings > Character Display > VT page advance
WordWrap Configure Input Settings > Options > Enable word wrap