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PTR Route Wizard Miscellaneous Settings

Timeout The length of time (0-3600 seconds) that the host should wait for a response from the printer. If you enter a value of 0, the host filter will always wait.
Translation Table Select the translation table that PTR will use to convert characters sent from the printer to the host or from the host to the printer, or click Browse to navigate to a translation table. PTR provides several sample translation tables that you can use:
ANSICAPS.XLT converts Characters to their ANSI uppercase equivalent.
ANSILOWR.XLT converts Characters to their ANSI lowercase equivalent.
CRTOLF.XLT converts Carriage return characters to line feed characters.
MAKECR.XLT converts End of line sequences to carriage return characters
MAKELF.XLT converts End of line sequences to line feed characters.
MAKECRLF.XLT converts End of line sequences to carriage return and line feed characters.