
Operations Orchestration content designed toenable the management of Azure AD users and Exchange Online mailboxes by utilizing PowerShell Remoting.

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OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.4.7
114.2 MB
Jul 16, 2024
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Product compatibility
Version 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 23.4
Version 24.1 · 24.2 · 24.1.1 · 24.3 · 24.1.2
Release notes

The OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack 2.4.7 introduces the following changes:

Signing certificate updates

OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack is now signed with the new OpenText certificate.

Third-party library updates

This release brings security improvements through third-party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.

For more information please refer to the documentation.

OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.4.5
104.0 MB
Sep 28, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 2019.11
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes
What's new in OO Microsoft 365 Content Pack 2.4.5

Third party library updates

This release brings security improvements through third party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.

For more information please refer to the documentation.

OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.4.4
92.2 MB
Aug 9, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 2019.11
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes
What's new in OO Microsoft 365 Content Pack 2.4.4

Third-party library updates

This release brings security improvements through third-party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.

Content pack publisher rebranded to OpenText

This version of the content pack brings changes to the content pack publisher. The publisher has been changed from Micro Focus to OpenText.

For more information please refer to the documentation.


Prior releases

OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.4.3
94.4 MB
May 10, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 2019.07 · 2019.11
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Release notes

What's new in OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.4.3

Third party library updates

This release brings security improvements through third party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.

For more information please refer the documentation .

OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.4.2
94.7 MB
Dec 19, 2022
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.07 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Release notes

What's new in OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.4.0

Add Attachment operation enhancements

The Add Attachment operation from the /Library/Integrations/Microsoft/Office 365/Java/Email folder now allows for attachments added via email to be larger than 3 MB.

For more information please refer the Content Pack documentation .

OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.4.0
98.8 MB
Sep 30, 2022
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Product compatibility
Version 2018.12
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.07 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05
Release notes

What's new in OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.4.0

Support for OAuth 2.0

This version supports OAuth 2.0 for email operations under the Java folder, through MSAL.


This release adds a new operation called Get Authorization Token V2 located under Authentication folder.

For more information please refer the Content Pack documentation .

OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.3.5
81.4 MB
Apr 29, 2022
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 2022.11 · 2022.05 · 2022.02
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.09 · 2018.11 · 2018.12
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.07 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Release notes

What's new in OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack version 2.3.5

This release brings security improvements through 3rd party library upgrades. It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the Content Pack.

OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.3.2
19.7 MB
Oct 6, 2021
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 2021.11 · 2021.02 · 2021.05
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.09 · 2018.11 · 2018.12
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.07 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Release notes

What's new in OO Microsoft Office 365 Content Pack (AFL) 2.3.2

  • Updated CP signing certificate.

For more information please refer the documentation.


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release-rel-2024-8-3-6225 | Wed Aug 28 17:13:31 PDT 2024