
Operations Bridge database toolkit contains tools and scripts to help with the configuration and maintenance of the databases used by Operations Bridge Manager and Suite.

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OpsBridge Database Toolkit 01.70
30.5 MB
Sep 19, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 10.60 · 10.12 · 10.61 · 10.62 · 10.63 · 10.70
Version 2018.05 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.10
Version 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.10 · 2020.10.2
Version 2021.05 · 2021.08 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes

Changes for version 1.70

Support for Postgres DB on Oracle Enterprise Linux versions 7-9

Support for Postgres DB on RedHat Enterprise Linux versions 7-9

Installation scripts for postgres on Oracle Linux ver 7-9

Installation scripts for postgres on RedHat Linux ver 9

Check/Set parameters tool for SharedOptic environments.

Improved automation for installing and configuring Linux and Postgres

Improved scripted SSL Certificate creation and deployment.

Replacement of “” with “”

Improved general documentation

New documented processes for managing TLS on standalone postgres.

New documented processes for managing TLS on postgres HA.

Simpler quick start guide for postgres installation.

OpsBridge Database Toolkit 01.60
2.7 MB
Apr 11, 2022
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Product compatibility
Version 10.60 · 10.12 · 10.61 · 10.62 · 10.63 · 10.70
Version 2018.05 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.10
Version 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.10 · 2020.10.2
Version 2021.05 · 2021.08 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes

Changes for version 1.60

  1. Automatic setting of many environment variables depending on the deployment type
  2. Changes to script filenames for simplification.
  3. Consolidation of multiple scripts for simplification.
  4. Enhanced the installation script to disallow a choice of installing or removing Postgres DB on a system where embedded postgres is already installed.
  5. Parameter check/set scripts now include the following for containerized OpsBridge:
    1. The current renamed deployment sizes (eval, med, and lg).
    2. A different value for the max_connections parameter.
    3. The exclusion of a new parameter "log_parameter_max_length" not used with containerized OpsBridge.
  6. Parameter check/set scripts now include a 15th parameter "log_parameter_max_length" for Postgres ver 13+ for classic OBM.
  7. Now includes "" and "", a set of scripts which will create and install (or remove) self signed certificates for your PostgreSQL Cluster.
OpsBridge Database Toolkit 01.50
2.3 MB
Jan 31, 2022
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 10.60 · 10.12 · 10.61 · 10.62 · 10.63 · 10.70
Version 2018.05 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.10
Version 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.10 · 2020.10.2
Version 2021.05 · 2021.08 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes

Changes for version 1.50

  1. Enhanced the installation script to allow a choice of installing Postgres DB version 10 - 14 on Centos (7) or Redhat (7 or 8) from a single script.
  2. Parameter check/set scripts now include all four sizes (sm, med, lg or XL).
  3. Now includes "", a script which will create and install self signed certificates for your PostgreSQL Cluster.
  4. Included option to install PostgreSQL 12.x on RHEL/CentOS ver 7 or 8, the script will detect the OS and choose the appropriate bits.
  5. PostgreSQL ver 10 may be installed on RHEL/CentOS 7.
OpsBridge Database Toolkit 01.30
861.3 KB
Nov 25, 2020
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Product compatibility
Version 10.60 · 10.12 · 10.61 · 10.62 · 10.63 · 10.70
Version 2018.05 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.10
Version 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.10 · 2020.10.2
Release notes

Changes for version 1.30

  1. Changed the postgreSQL installation script to include an option of generating a TLS certificate and configuration of PostgreSQL to use it.
  2. Updated the readme file to simplify installation of the toolkit.
OpsBridge Database Toolkit 01.20
861.9 KB
Aug 4, 2020
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 10.60 · 10.12 · 10.61 · 10.62 · 10.63 · 10.70
Version 2018.05 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.10
Version 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.10 · 2020.10.2
Version 2021.05 · 2021.08 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes

Improvements to the OpsBridge Database Toolkit:

  1. The script was changed to reference "" instead of " When the user enters "N" to not update the parameters, the system looks for instead of the new name "".
  2. The script was modified to include control loops where there is interaction and a chance for typing errors.
  3. The script was modified to use "pending parameter values" as the source for the list of parameter changes that require a system restart. This change will accommodate the addition of new parameters without requiring changes to the code.
  4. The script was also changed to include username verification (notifies user to not run script as root).
  5. Includes new script "". This script provides a table of the recommended PostgreSQL parameter values in all sizes along with the current parameter settings.
  6. Added "" to allow the parameter value changes to be "rolled back".
OpsBridge Database Toolkit 01.10
594.8 KB
Jul 2, 2020
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 10.60 · 10.12 · 10.61 · 10.62 · 10.63 · 10.70
Version 2018.05 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.10
Version 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.10 · 2020.10.2
Version 2021.05 · 2021.08 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes

Enhancements to the OpsBridge Database Toolkit:

  • New tool to show current PostgreSQL parameter values in human readable form (eg, MB, GB) for small, medium or large sized deployments
  • New tool to install PostgreSQL 10 and optionally the OpsBridge suite container databases on Linux
  • New tool to "tune" the parameters of a new or existing PostgreSQL DB on Linux
  • Tool runs on PostgreSQL version 9 or 10
OpsBridge Database Toolkit 01.00
6.4 KB
Jun 5, 2020
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 10.60 · 10.12 · 10.61 · 10.62 · 10.63 · 10.70
Version 2018.05 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.10
Version 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.10 · 2020.10.2
Version 2021.05 · 2021.08 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes

Check Parameters

Check Parameters tool is used to check the OBM database's current parameter settings against the values which Micro Focus recommends for LARGE deployments. The output of the tool will only highlight parameters that DO NOT match the recommended settings.

Supported Databases: PostgreSQL (all versions), Oracle (all versions)

If your OBM deployment is less than LARGE, then find the corresponding numbers in the table in online documentation. If in doubt about the actual deployment size, use LARGE.

Please compare the output of the tool with the corresponding table in the OBM documentation:



Workflow for the tool:

  1. Run the corresponding script (platform Win/Lin) against your database (Oracle/Postgres) and check the output.
  2. If any parameters are highlighted as potentially too low, visit the corresponding documentation page and compare your actual values with the recommended values in the table.
  3. If your OBM deployment is less than LARGE, use the recommended values from the documentation tables according to deployment size.
  4. Note the parameters that need to be changed and their new values.
  5. Plan adjustment of actual parameters with your DBA.


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release-rel-2024-8-3-6225 | Wed Aug 28 17:13:31 PDT 2024